Groups, Corporate Volunteers, and Scout Projects

HHS Wildlife Center welcomes participation from Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church groups, business groups, and other organizations interested in serving their community by helping our local wildlife through HHS Wildlife Center. People interested in performing service project work for HHS Wildlife Center are not required to attend volunteer orientation sessions.

Typical service projects are construction and sewing projects, making educational presentations for schools, collecting supplies, and holding collection drives for items on our wish list. 

Service Projects:

  • Project selection, scheduling and assignment must be coordinated with HHS Wildlife Center Scout Liaisons.
  • Every effort is made to match your needs and capabilities with a project that can be successfully completed.
  • Please keep in mind that our needs are seasonal and that we might not be able to assign a project.
  • For scouts that want a service project, contact the Girl Scout Liaison or Boy Scout Liaison for more details
  • For other groups or businesses wanting a service project, please email the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Our ability to accommodate groups onsite is limited
  • Volunteers have no direct contact with the animals
  • Looking for programs for scouts?  Please visit our education page here

Changing Office Locations:

The HHS Wildlife Center will be changing locations to a new and improved building in 2024. The new location will be 3100 W. Fuqua Street, Houston, TX 77045. 

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